Crimes of the Century

Crimes of the Century

Director Ridley Scott is among the executive producers of "Crimes of the Century," a documentary series that delves further into a major news event that had far-reaching repercussions. Using Scott's signature visual style, each episode focuses on one event and presents viewers a virtual scene-of-the-crime vantage point by employing previously unaired footage, plus exclusive interviews with witnesses, victims, and investigators of the crimes. The premiere recounts the 2001 Washington, D.C., sniper attacks, while other subjects include the John Lennon killing, the Reagan assassination attempt, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Waco siege, and the Unabomber case.

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Crimes of the Century


Anthology, Crime

Director Ridley Scott is among the executive producers of "Crimes of the Century," a documentary series that delves further into a major news event that had far-reaching repercussions. Using Scott's signature visual style, each episode focuses on one event and presents viewers a virtual scene-of-the-crime vantage point by employing previously unaired footage, plus exclusive interviews with witnesses, victims, and investigators of the crimes. The premiere recounts the 2001 Washington, D.C., sniper attacks, while other subjects include the John Lennon killing, the Reagan assassination attempt, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Waco siege, and the Unabomber case.


  • Chilling
  • Dark
  • Disturbing
  • Gripping
  • Raw
  • Solemn
