

Host RuPaul Charles brings his one-of-a-kind personality to this clever, competitive and unpredictable game, which features teams of two as they face off in fast-paced puzzle rounds to guess letters that reveal seemingly simple words. At the end of each one-hour episode packed with witty commentary and gameplay, the winning two teams make it through to a nerve-racking final showdown where one team walks away with an additional big cash prize.

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Game showTVPG

Host RuPaul Charles brings his one-of-a-kind personality to this clever, competitive and unpredictable game, which features teams of two as they face off in fast-paced puzzle rounds to guess letters that reveal seemingly simple words. At the end of each one-hour episode packed with witty commentary and gameplay, the winning two teams make it through to a nerve-racking final showdown where one team walks away with an additional big cash prize.